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hungry do eat the enemy’s head
饥时欲啖仇人头  detail>>
hungry but unwilling to eat
饥不欲食  detail>>
hungry but unwillingness to eat
饥不欲食  detail>>
hungry dogs will eat dirty puddings
很饿  detail>>
eat to live but do not live to eat
吃为了活不要活为了吃  detail>>
dogs do not eat rats
狗不吃耗子  detail>>
when do we eat
何时吃饭  detail>>
deal the enemy a head on blow
给敌人当头一棒  detail>>
fight the enemy head on
打硬仗  detail>>
head the troops to attack the enemy
率领军队进攻敌人  detail>>
i’m so hungry i could eat a horse
能吃下一匹马 我太饿了  detail>>
eat that you do not know about
吃你们不知道的  detail>>
be hungry
饿了 饥饿  detail>>
be hungry for
渴望..  detail>>
 adj.  (-grier; -griest) 1.饥饿的,空腹的;饥饿似的;(工作)引起饥饿的;〔罕用语〕促进食欲的。 2.渴望…的(for; a...  detail>>
hungry for
渴望  detail>>
 vt.  (ate; eaten ) 1.吃;喝(汤)。 2.蛀;腐蚀;消磨。   短语和例子   ...  detail>>
eat at
困扰  detail>>